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About the trial

COVID-19 can cause great suffering, and it stops people from performing their daily activities, affecting their work, education, and caring responsibilities. The PANORAMIC Trial aims to find new treatments that help those suffering with COVID-19 at home and in the community get better quicker and without needing to be treated in hospital.

About the software

This is Spinnaker, a user friendly, bespoke application that helps researchers find answers to important medical questions. The team behind the platform can adapt the software to match your study and we are especially interested in doing this for novel trials.

Spinnaker is a cloud based, integrated software/database solution for randomising patients using any design methodology including response adaptive methods; backed up by an electronic data capture application that is intuitive and particular. The application also includes management functions to alert relevant people about events (e.g. SAE), to manage drug inventory and to report on progress.

You can read more on the Spinnaker website or contact Audrey on [email protected]

You can get to know us a little better through our blog and social media pages accessed via the logout screen of this trial.

Made with love in New Zealand.